Sunday, June 12, 2011


Spirit –
It cannot be seen.
Spirit –
It can be felt.
Spirit –
It cannot be explained.
Spirit –
It cannot be known.
Spirit –
It is everywhere.
Spirit –
It is within me.
Spirit –
It does not like to be ignored.
Spirit –
It responds to love and recognition.
Spirit –
It is very polite and never intrudes.
Spirit -
It responds only when invited and accepted.
Spirit –
God’s presence in the universe.
Spirit –
God’s gift of His presence within me.
J. Friesen 6/11

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Holding One's First Love

Some of you have already seen this - our celebration of our 39th anniversary! Today's writing reminds us all of the work needed not only to make an earthly marriage last but to also make a relationship with our Bridegroom Jesus last.

Holding One's First Love
Remember the day when nothing else mattered -
You had seen that special one and knew in your heart they were the one;
As the relationship developed over time and a commitment was made -
One wondered and pondered how this intense love would keep its flame.
What would it be like in a year, ten years, twenty-five or even fifty -
Would it still be as intense and satisfying or would it fizzle and die.
As love is alive only as it is nourished
One needs to remember to care for it regularly and tenderly;
It is how one gives to the other as well as nurtures them;
It is also how one nurtures and cares for oneself;
So keep maturing and growing together each and every day
Keeping your garden of love well tended.

Remember that day you realized that God touched your spirit -
He tenderly let you know how special you were
And offered you forgiveness of your sin;
When you responded and said 'yes' - I will follow You.
Did you take the time to wonder then how your walk with God would be
Over the days and years - would it be as invgorating as it is right now?
Again one needs to remember that a relationship
Can only stay alive and active when one nurtures it along the way;
God is always present through His Spirit living within
So recognize and welcome Him; interact with Him along the way;
So accept His love daily - bask in it and enjoy it fully;
Then respond back to Him with your love
And find your life will truly be worth the living right up until its end!
J. Friesen 6/11

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This picture was captured with my camera lens all fogged over from the humidity but it has brought a thought provoking picture.

How can I know what is ahead?
How can I know that life will bring me something more?
How can I give any other assurance of the future?
How can I see more clearly I ask?
There is a call that is given -
The Spirit asks for permission to come and live
Within one's spirit to be loved and to nurture love
Each and every day all along life's way.
The call is to follow, love and obey -
Yet how few respond in fullness to this call;
There is a nod of the head and possibly even a nod of the heart,
But a full commitment is but a dream that seems beyond reach.
A visitor has come to call and one hears the knock,
One is happy to know someone out there cares -
Yet the response is but a nod -
No invitation to come in and abide awhile is given.
And so the view continues to be clouded -
One wonders who it was who came to call?
Will they come again - will I then truly invite them in?
Or will I continue on each day just wishing for a clearer view?
J. Friesen 6/11

Friday, June 3, 2011


Good morning!
The breeze is blowing through the
house and it cools and refreshes!
It has been awhile but the picture posted tells the reason -
Playing with the grand daughters was most fun!
The breeze was blowing there as well
Although not quite as refreshing as the humidity was rather stiffling!
Yet all in all each day holds such promise and blessing when one focuses on the moment as it comes -
What blessing will you uncover today as you live and appreciate the moments as they come?

Friday, May 20, 2011


Many wonder if it is only in the imagination –
Saying that it really cannot be true;
In all reality life just is –
And then one day it is not.
Yet – what if one really does take a moment to consider –
How is it that your body really works?
How can it exist as it is?
And furthermore explain the intricacies of making another just like it.
Now take another moment to ponder –
Is it really all just a chance that the earth hangs in space?
Not only does it hang in space but at the exact point from the sun?
And also knows to rotate to provide adequate light and heat to all?
And now – one can come to ponder the wonder of God –
Come with an open mind –
Come with a teachable spirit –
Come prepared to meet a new friend –
A friend who will show you wonders within and around you –
A friend who will truly become one who is there all the time –
A friend like no other for He is with you wherever you are.
J. Friesen 5/11

I have learned to know God as my very real friend - but I had to come to a point where I had two things - a teachable spirit and also an obedient heart. And  now I would like to introduce my dear friend to you.
Have a great day! June

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Is tomorrow the last day of the your life? Some would like us to believe that. Now if in fact it is the last day what will be different tomorrow? And not only what will others do differently - what will you do differently?
Or will you respond as the title of this blog encourages  -

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Are Your Thoughts?

 This is a quote from Cloud of Unknowing by Carman Butcher:
"We must teach ourselves self-control for two reasons: so that we don't lust after the wonderful necessities of life and so that we don't rejoice too much in the abssence or unpleasant and but soul-nourishing godly sorrow. If we don't learn spiritual discipline in these areas, the power of sensuality will run wild. Likea pig in the mud, it will wallow in filthy promiscuity and worldly possessions. At that point, a person's lifestyle is so beastly and carnal they cease to be human or in any way spiritual."
i am thinking that this would or could have been the answer to Bin Laden in fiding a better purpose for his life. But here is the challenge - how about you and I are - are we so far removed from this and so holy in our lives? I have really been challenged in the last 36 hours about my own spiritual condition and my attitude and response. What are your thoughts?